Create a personalized greeting card for your friends or family! Card stock is a popular material for making greeting cards, and we’re taking it to the next level. Instead of just engraving, writing, or drawing, we’re using the sturdy nature of card stock to create amazing 3D effects.
With intricate cut-out elements that pop up, this unique birthday card offers a stunning three-dimensional look. This technique makes your card stand out and shows how much thought you’ve put into it.
Machine Used
Material Needed
A paperboard
- Engraving Speed:1000 mm/s
- Engraving Power:10%
- Cutting Speed:35mm/s
- Cutting Power:15%
- DPI: 500
Step 1

Step 2

Come and Try!
Making cards like this lets you express your creativity and give a gift that’s truly one-of-a-kind. It’s perfect for any occasion – birthdays, holidays, or just to say “thinking of you.”
So, grab some card stock and let your imagination run wild. With a little creativity and some careful cutting, you can create a greeting card that’s sure to be treasured long after the occasion has passed!