
Laser Cutting – Custom Song Displays

March 21, 2025


Let’s craft a laser cutting acrylic custom song display! This sleek and modern design brings your favorite music to life with precision-cut, making it a perfect addition to any space.

Read this post and enjoy a creative laser-cutting experience!

Machine Used

Thunder Bolt 30W

Material Needed

3mm acrylic



  • Speed:1000mm/s
  • Power:50%
  • DPI:350


  • Speed:5mm/s
  • Max Power:80%
  • Min Power:10%

Before your work begins

Step 1: Place Your Acrylic for Laser Cutting

Choose an acrylic on the laser honeycomb bed. 

place the acrylic

Step 2: Open the Acrylic Custom Song Displays File

Import the custom song displays design in LightBurn and check if your acrylic size is large enough.

For laser cutting custom song displays with a lot of elements, ensure there are no misalignments or unnecessary overlaps in the file. Double-check everything, and decide if you want to add or subtract elements according to your preferences.

Step 3: Check the Laser Custom Song Displays Settings

Ensure that the parameters are set correctly to achieve the ideal laser cutting custom song displays.

If the min power is too low, it will cause the stroking corners will be too shallow and the cutting corners will not cut through; if the min power is too high, it will cause the stroking to cut through the corners and the laser cutting will be bad at the corners.

custom song displays settings

Step 4: Focus on the Acrylic

Without focusing, your outcomes may fall short of expectations. So before starting, make sure you’ve rightly focused.

For focusing, you have two options: Auto Focus, which is simple—just press the AF button on the Thunder Bolt screen. Then you’re ready to have a laser cutting.

auto focus

Step 5: Frame the Design and Start Laser Engraving and Cutting

When you click “Frame”, the red light will display the laser cutting area. This is a safe process, and the frame will align with the acrylic. Once aligned, simply press “Start” to begin the custom song displays laser cutting with the Thunder Bolt!

laser world map 3

Step 6: Monitor the Laser Cutting Process

To avoid any issues, carefully monitor the laser cutting, especially when unusual conditions like alarms arise.

Considering the laser cutting energy, for safety reasons, we advise against staring directly at the process, even with the laser door closed.

laser engraving custom song displays
laser cutting custom song displays

Step 7: Complete the Custom Song Displays Laser Task

When the laser cutting acrylic song displays is completed, it’s time to get it out. Then it’s just a  fun assembly time to get the ideal custom song displays. Imagine the joy of assembling the song displays, as each piece clicks into place to create a beautiful, layered home decoration.

assemble custom song displays

Come and Try!

Laser cutting on acrylic custom song displays adds a unique, personal touch while ensuring precision and durability. Whether you’re creating a special gift, decorating your space, or showcasing your favorite song in a sleek, modern way, laser cutting offers a stylish and lasting way to bring music to life!

show custom song displays

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